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Showing posts from November 30, 2014
                                                                    DREAM ON     I have a re-occurring dream that I own a huge warehouse of old phonograph records: long-play 78s, and 45s. I don’t have a history of these things so they aren’t intimately familiar to me, although my folks had a very modest collection and I bought one or two as a teenager- - and I accidentally broke an old record at the Larson Brothers sale. I have a digital image of that somewhere.      The building is a metal, a steel-framed building; its description isn’t detailed, but sometimes I’m inside of it, perusing with both wonder and frustration that I have been given- - or have acquired ‘all this’ for some reason and I don’t know what to do with it. Sometimes people inquire if I have this song or that song, but there are no names on the boxes, so we/they/me have to ponderously go through boxes of a hundred nondescript sleeves with a four-inch hole in the center that reveals the records title and artist.