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Showing posts from June 23, 2019

I fortunately observe another June 27

Yeah, today is my birthday. I’ve never been this old before, well, that I know of anyway for I’m ignorant of such things. Yes, yes, yes, you read it here; I don’t know it all, and it’s never bothered me.   Well there’s so much importance made about ‘knowing it all’. On the other hand, i.e., oppositely, people who act like they ‘know it all’ are very often despised. So what’s a person to do? I don’t like to be ignorant of things, in most cases; but equally don’t care to know it all because it involves so much of your life; I’m just not ambitious that way. Never have been. I like what I like and that’s it. Interests come to me from experiences with other people, through books, and through stories on the radio.   I have an ear and eye for details and subconsciously remember excerpts of conversation in which either I or others are participating. It seems a natural ability. Maybe I was a prey animal in a previous life and listening, remembering--and skepticism--of what I hear was...

An evening rain

                                                                   An Evening Rain     An unexpected rainstorm after tepid daytime temperatures and windless conditions. Forecast indicated the system was to go north of us, but radar looked like we were in its southern reaches. Thunder a long way off heralded its approach, the sky filling with dark ominous clouds. A welcome coolness came across the skin as temperatures dropped and leaves at the top of trees began to flutter.     I carried in our plastic picnic table, partially folding it to fit just off the aisle in our entry. Our seven year old grandson wanted to wait out the rain ...