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Showing posts from February 4, 2018

Bullying: Just a Fact of Life

Bullying bul·ly1 ˈbo͝olē/ verb: gerund or present participle: bullying; use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. "a local man was bullied into helping them" synonyms:    persecute, oppress, tyrannize, browbeat, harass, torment, intimidate, strong-arm, dominate.     I think bullying is a rather natural phenomenon. In the animal world, it’s really no different. Why then are some animals naturally camouflaged for concealment? Yes, for ‘bullying of’ and ‘hiding from’ bullies who wish to eat them.     This definition perfectly describes all the birds and animals that frequent our bird feeders, including white tail deer, black bears, squirrels, blue jays, chickadees, grossbeaks, sharptailed grouse, pine siskins, purple finches, juncos, downy woodpeckers, and --oh, raccoons too. Nuthatches seem to just keep to themselves, although there’s no telling about what goes on behind the ...

Recycled Tarzans

I shouldn't have done that. Obviously, I'm not as young as I used to be, but my aged jungle yell did generate some real attention along Wannaska's main street on Friday afternoon, I kid you not. Donna peered from her between her living room curtains. Jeff, looked in the direction of the county garage from under Kraig Lee's grain dryer. Arial, the guard dog at Lee's Store, leaped to her feet and began barking to get out--so I heard, just sayin'. But it isn't the hoarseness in my throat that bothers me, it's the soreness of my chest that I beat on with both fists. Good googa mooga, was that dumb or what? Rumors are though a herd of horses thundered through town . .        I recycled in Wannaska on Friday afternoon. Didn't have much, just enough to think about emptying before it over-flowed. I was going to Wannaska anyway so the wife thought she'd make it worth my while. Going to the recycling bins is sort of like going to the town dump, except on a...