I am amazed, totally blown away, at the fortune of living so long to see women, especially Afro-American women, as well as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., dominate the designs on U.S., $20, $10 and $5 currency. My only regret is that, is although Sacajawea's likeness graced the one dollar coin in 2000, a Native American woman is not included among these women chosen. Reading through the brief biographies of all these noted people, in a New York Times on-line article, I think there was room for her inclusion, even through omission of one of the lesser known chosen. That being said, I understand to some degree, as a result of the article, the great difficulty Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew encountered redesigning the currency--and the fact that they couldn't please everybody. But wow! This is quite a step forward for American women, given today's apparent climate of global suppression of women's rights. You go girl!