Part 1: September 22, 2022
Watching three guys do what I do by myself.
This was last year, pulling up what we call
"The Privy Stand."
My newest project “New Craig’s Stand” started today 100 feet west of old stand. The primary reason for it is because the trees have enveloped the original site and I hate to cut down any that I’ve planted; plus it's floor is only six feet off the ground. The new one will be ten feet. I want to remove the old box blind and put it on new ten foot legs with help of one of my neighbors and his loader tractor, after harvest.
Step 1 Determine Site
I spent a lot of thought figuring out where the best place would be, although this was my initial site as it's a little higher in elevation than the other part of the field and commands a broader view.
I dragged that ladder through the high brush to 3-4 other places, climbing up to 8-feet or so and looking 360 degrees trying to imagine what it will look like in November with all the leaves gone from the deciduous trees. I had to think about what it will look like in the future and what trees will grow the fastest and block the view again. Spruce grow the slowest of red pine, tamarack and spruce.
I’ve hauled all my material to the site using my truck and four-wheeler; I mowed a temporary road through the brush to access the site; it’ll grow back over in a couple years. And too, the neighbor’s tractor is bigger than anything I have. I wanted to make it easy for him and lessen damage to existing vegetation.