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June 2024 on Mikinaak Creek

 On the night of June 18, 2024 Mikinaak Creek received between 3 and 4 inches of rain. We slept through it. Then at daybreak awoke to the



It’d be great if we could hold water this big all year long. But this isn’t as high as it got in 2002, for there’d be no grass showing at all in that case. I have a high water mark up by the house. 

The bird feeder post marks the 2002 high water mark

Still, it's nice to be able to load the jon boat in the truck ...

drive the truck up our road

Unload the boat, drag it down the steep wooded bank to the water's edge and push off for a quick but wonderfully pleasant ride back home.

Life is good.


Wow! I think I'll use Mikinaakippi as a word next Wednesday.
Chairman Joe said…
As I ride the Mikinaakippi
I slowly drift, my paddle drippy

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